Creation Science Defense

The Tenuous nature of Science

March 9, 2022

Over 25 years of reading scientific journals in and out of my realm of expertise, I have learned a lot about the nature of research science. This has allowed me to refine my perception of science – especially the ways in which its philosophy and history influence scientific practices, interpretations, and methods. Science is tenuous. It is pliable. For example, 50% of all PubMed journal articles are eventually refuted.


Over the last two years of C19, I have seen research studies quoted relentlessly, authoritatively, and many times carelessly – both by people who have never read a research paper and also by researchers themselves. It seems that many have forgotten key tenets of scientific research, such as:


  • Scientists and those who interpret their findings are never neutral. They are always researching and writing from a particular standpoint that influences their interpretations of evidence. 

  • Evidence is not irrefutable. Though we can be confident when science tells us the boiling point of water, this does not mean that we can have the same confidence when understanding the biochemistry of experimental gene therapy, for example.

Good scientists recognize the points above and temper their assertions with prudence and humility. I imagine this is a very difficult task for scientists who have invested many hours and dollars into their research. Yet it is crucial. A scientist who does not present his research with balance is disingenuous at best and deceitful at worst. 


Unfortunately, this spirit of overconfident, one-sided scientific reasoning is rampant. As an example, here is a tweet response that my editor thought was particularly striking. And a follow up tweet.


One of the resources I will be examining in posts to come is the book “The Philosophies of Science” by Dr. Rom Harre. In it, he makes many insightful comments on science and society. I think they will be helpful as we try to develop a view of science that recognizes its incredible achievements while also tempering its conclusions with prudence and sober-mindedness.